There are several methods for taking notes. The CORNELL METHOD is a tried-and-true
technique for taking notes in class and also for taking notes while
reading. Draw a vertical line on a sheet
of paper (or use the template you can find attached to this blog post). Here are three YOU TUBE video that will help
you understand how to do your notes!
To take notes in class:
- Write notes on the most important points you hear in the space on the right. Skip a few lines between main points to fill in any missing information later.
- Use the left-hand space to write key words to label the ideas and details of the notes you’ve written in the space on the right.
- Read notes soon after taking them to complete thoughts while you remember them.
To take notes while reading:
- Write the main headings in the left column.
- Summarize the text of each heading by writing a brief note in your own words in the right column. Don’t repeat what’s written in the textbook. Instead, make it your own information.
To review:
- Cover notes in the right column.
- Say the key words in the left column out loud; then try to recall the information in your notes on the right.
- Uncover the notes. If what you said matches what you wrote, chances are you know it!
Other effective methods for note taking notes include:
- An outline. Begin with the most general information. Continue indenting each more specific fact underneath.
- A time line. This is an effective method for learning a series of events associated with specific dates.
- Mapping. Draw a circle or box in the middle of a page. Write in the main idea. Write supporting ideas and details on the lines attached to the box or circle.